Add Existing Category

Categories can help organize your contact data. After you have created and added contacts to a category, you might also want to include the contacts that are within an existing category in your spreadsheet. This process adds all the contacts that are in an 'existing' category to your spreadsheet. To add a category of prospects to your spreadsheet, follow the directions below.
  1. From the |Navigation| bar, select |Prospects|.
  2. Select the |Spreadsheet| button.
  3. Select the |Add Category| button.
  4. Select the category of prospects you would like to add to your spreadsheet.
  5. Confirm your selection and select |Add to Spreadsheet|.
  6. Review your results, then select |Done|.
  7. The prospects within the added category will be displayed in your spreadsheet, and the |Filter| button will display the active filter.
Add Category of Prospect to Spreadsheet - OA Mobile
Categories can help organize your contact data. After you have created and added contacts to a category, you might also want to include the contacts that are within an existing category in your spreadsheet. This process adds all the contacts that are in an 'existing' category to your spreadsheet. To add a category of prospects to your spreadsheet, follow the directions below.
  1. From the |Navigation| bar, select |Prospects|.
  2. Select the |Spreadsheet| button.
  3. Select the |Add Category| button.
  4. Select the category of prospects you would like to add to your spreadsheet.
  5. Confirm your selection and select |Add to Spreadsheet|.
  6. Review your results, then select |Done|.
  7. The prospects within the added category will be displayed in your spreadsheet, and the |Filter| button will display the active filter.
Add Category of Prospect to Spreadsheet - OA Mobile
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