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Welcome to OA Mobile SupportContactsProspects⦁SpreadsheetView Shared SpreadsheetsSpreadsheet PagesSearching the SpreadsheetAdd To Prospect SpreadsheetToggle Prospect PriorityAdd Existing CategoryRate CallsSort By OptionsView Contact DetailsCall List (Add/Remove)Set Prospect PriorityCall NowSend EmailSend Text MessageExpand AllMove ProspectRemove ProspectLeadsCalendarNotesMy AccountAdmin ConsoleUser ConsoleTerms & ConditionsAdditional Information
Rate Calls
The OA Mobile 'Rate Calls' option provides a list of phone calls you have not yet rated. Rating phone
calls is an important tracking and sorting tool, so it is recommended to rate each phone call you make
to your prospects.
- From the |Navigation| bar, select |Prospects|.
- Select the |Spreadsheet| button.
- Select |Rate Calls|.
- Select a rating option (Great, Good, or Bad).

The OA Mobile 'Rate Calls' option provides a list of phone calls you have not yet rated. Rating phone
calls is an important tracking and sorting tool, so it is recommended to rate each phone call you make
to your prospects.
- From the |Navigation| bar, select |Prospects|.
- Select the |Spreadsheet| button.
- Select |Rate Calls|.
- Select a rating option (Great, Good, or Bad).

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