Rate Calls

The OA Mobile 'Rate Calls' option provides a list of phone calls you have not yet rated. Rating phone calls is an important tracking and sorting tool, so it is recommended to rate each phone call you make to your prospects.
  1. From the |Navigation| bar, select |Prospects|.
  2. Select the |Spreadsheet| button.
  3. Select |Rate Calls|.
  4. Select a rating option (Great, Good, or Bad).
Rate Phone Calls - OA Mobile
The OA Mobile 'Rate Calls' option provides a list of phone calls you have not yet rated. Rating phone calls is an important tracking and sorting tool, so it is recommended to rate each phone call you make to your prospects.
  1. From the |Navigation| bar, select |Prospects|.
  2. Select the |Spreadsheet| button.
  3. Select |Rate Calls|.
  4. Select a rating option (Great, Good, or Bad).
Rate Phone Calls - OA Mobile
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