Send Text Message

To send and log a text message via the OA Mobile spreadsheet, follow the directions below.
  1. From the OA Mobile app, select |Prospects| from the |Navigation Bar|.
  2. Select the |Spreadsheet| button.
  3. From the spreadsheet, locate the prospect you would like to send a text message to and select the |Text Now| button.
  4. Compose your text message in the space provided.
  5. Select the |Send Text| button, then send the text via your SMS provider. Your text message will be logged within the OA Mobile activity log.
Send Text Message - OA Mobile
To send and log a text message via the OA Mobile spreadsheet on your desktop, follow the directions below.
  1. From OA Mobile, select |Prospects| from the |Navigation Bar|.
  2. Select the |Spreadsheet| button.
  3. From the spreadsheet, locate the prospect you would like to send a text message to and select the |Text Now| button.
  4. You may send the text message from your phone or desktop (if you have SMS set up on your desktop). To send from your phone, select |Send from your Phone|, then open the OA Mobile app on your phone and select |Show Desktop| from the |Navigation Bar|, then follow the steps to send your text message from the OA Mobile app.
  5. Alternatively, you may select the |Copy/Paste on your Desktop| button, then send the text via your SMS provider. Compose the message in the space provided, select the |Copy| button, and paste the message into your desktop SMS app and send. Select the |Log the Sent Text| button and the text message will be logged within the OA Mobile activity log for the prospect.
Send Text Message - OA Mobile
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