Cancel a Contact To Do

To |Cancel| a |Contact To Do|, use the |Cancel [Action]| button where [ ] represents the associated action e.g. Call, Email, Text, etc.
  1. From the |Navigation Bar| select |Calendar|.
  2. Select |View|Day View|.
  3. Expand the |Contact To Dos|.
  4. Select the |Contact To Do| you would like to |Cancel|.
  5. Select the |Cancel [Action]| button where [ ] represents the assoicated action e.g. Call, Email, Text, etc.
  6. Select the |Yes - Set To Cancel| button again to confirm cancellation.
Cancel a 'Contact To Do' in OA Mobile
To |Cancel| a |Contact To Do|, use the |Cancel [Action]| button where [ ] represents the associated action e.g. Call, Email, Text, etc.
  1. From the |Navigation Bar| calendar drop down menu, select |Day|.
  2. Select the |Contact To Do| you would like to |Cancel|.
  3. Select the |Cancel [Action]| button where [ ] represents the assoicated action e.g. Call, Email, Text, etc.
  4. Select the |Yes - Set To Cancel| button again to confirm cancellation.
Cancel a 'Contact To Do' in OA Mobile
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