Calling a Prospect

The OA Mobile call feature within the |Call List| provides options to call, log and rate your calls. As with all activites in OA Mobile, your calls to your prospects are logged within the prospect |Activity Log|. To make a call from the OA Mobile |Call List|, follow the directions below.
  1. From the |Navigation Bar| select |Prospects|.
  2. Select the |Call List| button.
  3. If neccessary, scroll to the select your prospect.
  4. Select the |Prospect| that you would like to call.
  5. Select the |Call Button|.
  6. Verify the phone number, then select the |Dial| button.
  7. Select the |Next| button.
  8. Select the most appropriate outcome for your call.
  9. Select the |Save| button and your call will be saved to the prospect 'Activity Log' where you may optionally rate the call.
Calling the Propsect from the Call List - OA Mobile
The OA Mobile call feature within the |Call List| provides options to call, log and rate your calls. As with all activites in OA Mobile, your calls to your prospects are logged within the prospect |Activity Log|. To make a call from the OA Mobile |Call List|, follow the directions below.
  1. From the |Navigation Bar| select |Prospects|.
  2. Select the |Call List| button.
  3. Select the |Prospect| that you would like to call.
  4. Select the |Call Button|.
  5. Verify the phone number, then select the |Dial| button.
  6. Select the |Next| button.
  7. Select the most appropriate outcome for your call.
  8. Select the |Save| button and your call will be saved to the prospect 'Activity Log' where you may optionally rate the call.
Calling the Propsect from the Call List - OA Mobile
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