Add Category

Categories help you organize your prospects effectively. Follow these steps to add a category of prospects to your |Call List|:
  1. Go to the |Navigation Bar| and select |Prospects|.
  2. Select the |Call List| button.
  3. Select the |Add Category| button.
  4. Select the category you want to add.
  5. Select the |Add to Call List| button.
  6. A summary of the action will be displayed. Select |Done| to return to your |Call List|.
  7. Your |Call List| will now be filtered to show only the selected category (step-4).
Add Category to Call List - OA Mobile
Categories help you organize your prospects effectively. Follow these steps to add a category of prospects to your |Call List|:
  1. Go to the |Navigation Bar| and select |Prospects|.
  2. Select the |Call List| button.
  3. Select the |Add Category| button.
  4. Select the category you want to add.
  5. Select the |Add to Call List| button.
  6. A summary of the action will be displayed. Select |Done| to return to your |Call List|.
  7. Your |Call List| will now be filtered to show only the selected category (step-4).
Add Category to Call List - OA Mobile
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