Search by Create/Edit Date

You can search for contacts that were created or edited in OA Mobile within the last 30 days. To do this, follow the steps below.
  1. From the OA Mobile |Navigation Bar|, select |Contacts|.
  2. Select |Show More Options|.
  3. On the |Search for a Contact| screen, select |By Create/Edit Date|.
  4. Choose the |By Create/Edit Date| search option.
  5. Select the |Search| button.
  6. Your search results will appear on the search results screen.
Search by Create or Edit Date in OA Mobile
You can search for contacts that were created or edited in OA Mobile within the last 30 days. To do this, follow the steps below.
  1. From the OA Mobile |Navigation Bar|, select |Contacts|.
  2. Select |Show More Options|.
  3. On the |Search for a Contact| screen, select |By Create/Edit Date|.
  4. Choose the |By Create/Edit Date| search option.
  5. Select the |Search| button.
  6. Your search results will appear on the search results screen.
Search by Create or Edit Date in OA Mobile
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