Termination Policy

Baseline Data Systems, Inc.
Torrance, CA USA

Termination of OA Mobile/Office Accelerator Service (OA)

Pursuant to the Baseline Data Systems End User License Agreement (EULA), either party may terminate the Customer's OA account at any time, for any reason. Customers may request termination by calling 310-214-8528, Monday through Friday, between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. (PST). Alternatively, you may email us at sales@oamobile.com.

Please note that all payments are non-refundable. Subscriptions to our service are pre-paid. Therefore, cancellations made during an active payment term (monthly, quarterly, or annually, depending on the payment schedule) will take effect on the final day of that term.

Notwithstanding termination, the Customer remains obligated to pay all fees incurred prior to (and including) the effective date of termination.

Customer Data After Account Termination

If your account is terminated by Baseline Data Systems due to non-payment or any other reason outlined in the EULA, you may—when permitted by law and requested within 30 days of termination—export your basic contact and calendar data.

The export must be completed on a date specified by BDS, using the available fields and formats in OA, and only after all outstanding fees have been paid. Customers may also export their data at any time prior to voluntarily terminating their OA service.

Once OA service has been terminated by either party, BDS has no obligation to retain Customer data and may delete it without further notice, even within the 30-day window following termination.

Additionally, within 30 days of termination, you may request permanent deletion of your CRM data from our servers. This deletion typically occurs within 90 days of the request.

Baseline Data Systems will retain your account name, primary contact information, billing history, and related records for as long as deemed necessary.

© 1991-2025 - Baseline Data Systems, Inc.