Search My Phone Book

The |My Phone Book| option is often used to separate your commonly used contacts from other contacts within your OA Mobile account. For example, this can be very useful when searching for ‘Personal’ contacts as opposed to business related ‘Prospects’. To use this feature, follow the directions below.
  1. From the OA Mobile |Navigation Bar| select |Contacts|.
  2. Select how you would like to search via the A-Z tabs, you may search by First, Last, or Company name.
  3. Select the |Search 'My Phone Book'| option to filter your search by contacts located only in 'My Phone Book'.
  4. Select a letter from the A-Z buttons to begin your search.
  5. Search results are returned to the |Contacts Found| page where you may select a contact to view its details.

Searching My Phone Book

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