Search A-Z

The OA Mobile A-Z search is a convenient way to quickly search for contacts. This is especially useful for one handed searching on your phone. You may also opt to search only by the |Prospects| located within your |Prospect Spreadsheet|, in your |My Phone Book| folder, or both. To learn how to use this feature, follow the directions below.
  1. From the OA Mobile |Navigation Bar| select |Contacts|.
  2. Select how you like to search via the A-Z tabs, you may search by First, Last, or Company name.
  3. Select the |Search Prospect Spreadsheet| and/or |Search 'My Phone Book'| to filter your search by either or both options.
  4. Select the letter from the A-Z selection to begin your search.
  5. Search result are returned to the |Contacts Found| page where you may select a contact to view its details.

OA Mobile Search A-Z

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