
The OA Mobile Dashboard is divided into Three sections, Prospects, Calendar, and Activity. Each section provides a broad overview of your prospects and is described below. To open the |Dashboard|, select the |Prospects| option on the |Navigation Bar|, then select the |Dashboard| button.
OA Mobile Dashboard


The |Prospects| section provides an overview of the prospects that are on your |Spreadsheet|. The following information is currently available:

  • Spreadsheet: Displays the number of prospects currently on your spreadsheet. Selecting this option will bring you to your spreadsheet.
  • Working Prospects: These are the prospects on your spreadsheet that are 'not' on your Call List.
  • Call List: These are the prospects that are currently on your Call List.
  • Important: These are the number of prospects on your spreadsheet that are flagged as important. You can filter by important prospects within the spreadsheet.
  • Normal: These are the number of prospects on your spreadsheet that have a normal status.
  • Action Required: Flags with 'Action Required' a list of prospects on your spreadsheet that have a 'Last Contact Date' of greater than 30 days ago, and that do not have an upcoming 'Next To Do' scheduled. This prevents prospects from from falling through the cracks.


The |Calendar| section provides an overview of the calendar items for a given day. The following information is currently available:

  • Prospect Items: Displays the number of prospect items currently on your calendar for the selected day.
  • Appointments: Displays the number of appointments on your calendar for a given day.
  • Contact To Dos: Displays the number of To Dos which are associated with contacts/prospects.
  • General To Dos: Displays To Dos that are not associated with contacts/prospects.
  • Rolling: Displays the total number of To Dos set to roll over (Both Contact and General To Dos).


The |Activity| section provides an overview of your prospect activity for the last 30 days. The following information is currently available:

  • New Prospects: Displays the number of new prospects added in the last 30 days.
  • Closed Prospects: Displays the number of prospects that have been closed in the last 30 days.
  • Outcome Good: These are the prospects designated as having good outcomes.
  • Outcome Bad: These are the prospects designated as having bad outcomes, typically these prospects were not interested in your product or service.
  • None: These are prospects that have no outcomes. Typically, these prospects fall outside the range of other prospects and are exceptions to the sales process.
  • Prospect Reports: This option will provide Live Status, Phone Call, and User Activity reports for a user defined range of time. These reports provide a detailed overview of sales activity.

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