Setup Login Recovery

Login recovery provides the option to login to your OA Mobile account with a confirmed email address and password. This confirmed email address may also be used to recover your login information and reset a forgotten password. To setup login recovery, please follow the directions below.

  1. From the |Navigation Bar| select |My Account|.
  2. From the |Login and Recovery| section, select |Setup Email Address|.
  3. Enter your current password and the email address you would like to use for login recovery.
  4. Select the |OK| button, you will be emailed a confirmation code to the email address you provided in step 3.
  5. Enter the confirmation code that was emailed to your recovery email address.
  6. Select |OK| to complete the setup.
  7. Your confirmed recovery email address will appear within the |Login and Recovery| section. You may now use this email address to login to OA Mobile as well as to recover your login information.
  8. Setup Login Recovery

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